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  • ​"Life beats down and crushes the soul and art reminds you that you have one." - Stella Adler​

  • ​"The discipline of creation, be it to paint, compose, write, is an effort towards wholeness." ​

  • Painting is poetry That is seen rather than felt, And Poetry is Painting that is Felt rather than seen - Leonardo Da vinci​

  • If you hear a voice within you say 'you cannot paint,' then by all means paint, and that voice will be silenced.​ - Vincent Van Gogh

  • Art Enables us to Find​ Ourselves and Lose Ourselves at the same time - Thomas Merton

  • "Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one's courage." — Author Anais Nin.

Stretched Canvas

Our Stretched Frame gives every time better results, since these are stretched on pneumatic clamp unit. Due to the rising demand for quality printing, our firm has chosen to offer pre stretched screen frames on Swiss Pneumatic Clamp Unit.

Canvas uniformly stretched and rear stapled on imported Pine or Spruce wood, frames are seasoned and used especially for its light weight and super finish. We offer Pre-stretched canvases from 8"x10" inches to 48"x48" inches / 20 x 25 cm to 122 x 122 cm sizes. The wooden frames are 45 x 22mm / 38 x 38mm thick, all the corners are slotted and double mortised. Sizes are interchangeable, available from 8" inches to 48" inches length.

Technical Specification:

Pack / Box
: 5pcs, 6pcs 10pcs, 36 pcs
Shrink Pack
: Individual / Twin Pack
Fabric Quality
: 5oz, 7oz, 10oz, 12oz
Wood Profile
: 19mm x 38mm , 38mm x 38mm, 16mm x 30mm
: Double / Triple Primed
Wood Type
: Pine Wood / Other Wood

Canvas Pads

A revolutionary surface made from 100% woven cotton canvas. The unique coating of Oasis Canvas Pads allows it to perform much like a rough watercolour paper. Ideal for use with transparent and opaque watercolour, acrylics, inks and watercolour pencils.

Leveraging on our skill, we give Canvas Pads that are used by beginner artists all over the world. These Canvas Pads serve several purposes like taking notes in class or painting. Our Canvas Pads are manufactured from quality raw material to ensure diminution by acidic contact or dust.

Ready to use 7 oz, 10 oz Primed canvas cut in various sizes in set of 10 sheets. Each set of 10 sheets backed by a hardboard for necessary support. This is Conveniently handled and can be carried for quick / on the spot-paintings. Economically priced to benefit beginners and art students.

Our Canvas Pad size various from 9" x 11" inches / 23 x 28 cm, 12" x 16" inches / 30 x 40 cm, 14" x 18" inches / 35 x 45 cm, 16" x 20" inches / 40 x 50 cm, 18" x 24" inches / 45 x 61 cm.